Italian photographer Gloria Marigo chats to Clementine about the girl behind the lens...
Your work feels very nostalgic and almost secretive; are there any stories behind your projects that you'd like to share? Any specific memories or people that they address?
Basically I am a nostalgic person. In my shots, we are always behind the stories. The hiding with masks, to conceal something, to attract attention by a kind of mystery. And since we have photographs, hidden in mystery, I cannot reveal my stories :)
Basically I am a nostalgic person. In my shots, we are always behind the stories. The hiding with masks, to conceal something, to attract attention by a kind of mystery. And since we have photographs, hidden in mystery, I cannot reveal my stories :)
Are there any particular themes or ideas that you like to explore? What word or phrase epitomises your work?
I am open to any kind of proposal, in these months I'm specializing in fashion and photography, which I love. If I were to describe my job in one word, I'd say “soft”.
I am open to any kind of proposal, in these months I'm specializing in fashion and photography, which I love. If I were to describe my job in one word, I'd say “soft”.
Do you have a favourite photograph? Or perhaps a favourite series?
I love Nan Goldin, Tim Walker, Terry Richardson, David Hamilton, Mario Testino, Paolo Roversi, Annie Liebovitz, Sophie Calle, Karl Lagerfeld and many others..
What are you reading at the moment? Has anything from your library (physical, virtual, imaginary or otherwise) sparked any project ideas?
A book that has inspired the beginning of my photographic career is Alice in wonderland. I really love that book!
These days I'm starting to read the books that inspired the TV series Dexter.
Which fictional character do you identify with the most, and why?
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That’s a good question. :)
If I was to choose a character that represents me, I would choose from the book that inspired me a lot: I could be Alice, or the white rabbit. :)
interviewed by charlotte guest
image by gloria marigo
image by gloria marigo
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