by shey marque
Flesh shimmers in the powder white
turquoise pours over shoulder lakes
black silk slides where sighs begin
mirage in the night of Toulouse-Lautrec
turquoise pours over shoulder lakes
black silk slides where sighs begin
mirage in the night of Toulouse-Lautrec
Turquoise pours over shoulder lakes
trace my contours in slow motion
mirage in the night of Toulouse-Lautrec
sense of me in the boudoir rouge
trace my contours in slow motion
mirage in the night of Toulouse-Lautrec
sense of me in the boudoir rouge
Trace my contours in slow motion
spin the threads from an artist’s gaze
sense of me in the boudoir rouge
brushed paint peeled from a canvas past
spin the threads from an artist’s gaze
sense of me in the boudoir rouge
brushed paint peeled from a canvas past
Spin the threads from an artist’s gaze
colour me back to another day
brushed paint peeled from a canvas past
a plume from Montmartre at my feet
colour me back to another day
brushed paint peeled from a canvas past
a plume from Montmartre at my feet
Colour me back to another day
black silk slides where sighs begin
a plume from Montmartre at my feet
flesh shimmers in the powder white
black silk slides where sighs begin
a plume from Montmartre at my feet
flesh shimmers in the powder white

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