things to fill your universe with.

by charlotte guest.

My universe is five metres by three metres, and, sadly, has not seen many big bangs of late.

It's an inner-outer space: a little personality showroom (trinkets, puppets, pencils, book-spines, brooms, clocks, a dying corsage). It is such that if I cracked open my skull I'd expect to see a doll-house version of my bedroom in there.

I thought this form of profiling was common practice, yet my tally of people who don't indulge in interior decorating, or even hoarding, is growing.
How can one resist fitting-out one's den? A bare boudoir, to me, looks suspicious - something belonging to a psychopath or someone really, really dim.
So, this is to the people behind the tally-dashes:
                                      start a collection.

Collecting is decorating for the artistically feeble: choose something, preferably legal, and cram as many versions of this chosen thing into your chamber as is humanly possible.

I, for instance, collect white things. This means my universe looks like a cross-section of a tooth. (I say this to my mum, and she tells me quite freely – after all these years – that she keeps a stash of my baby teeth in a jar. I advise against such a collection.)

My grandmother collected bubble-wrap and frogs (both the real and the unreal kind).

My father collects animal figurines and arranges them in interactive tableaux around the garden. He has now reached maximum capacity and is dealing with overpopulation issues. I have suggested a process of (un)natural selection, but like a true collector he maintains that one may only add, and not subtract. We now have in place a one-statue-per-annual-occassion policy to curb the growth rate.

Perhaps the people boasting blue-tac free walls live and work in a different universe, a universe out there, with other beings and long to-do lists like gymnasts ribbons or really budget bridal trains. I sort-of understand. But even these people need downtime, and who wants to wind down in a petri dish?

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