millenium babies.

by charlotte guest

If we work off averages, I have just entered the second quarter of my life.

This makes me an elder to the millennium babies. As such, I expect reasonable levels of respect from these children, expressed in the form of manners.

Now this is no militant imposition of stuffy rules of address or behavioural procedures, it's simply a matter of being polite and acknowledging that because I have a bigger digit, I am therefore better.

And, as a rule, my minimum eight year head-start should afford me more life experience, more wisdom. I have had eight more years to watch all episodes of QI, to read the fact-filled insides of bottle caps, to theorise about Kaufman and Nolan films. I have been exposed to these beacons of knowledge for some time now, and as a consequence I know that Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy, that the only organism able to change its gender is an oyster, and that the Yeti Crab grows its food on its arms.

I don't mean to suggest that manners only apply towards those more advanced in their years, I merely believe that to such people they are especially necessary.

I accept that some pleasantries are outdated. It's perfectly acceptable to have ones elbows on the table instead of dangling mid-air, as long as you don't spread yourself into the personal space of others. If you have particularly active peas, feel free to scoop them. However, for purely aesthetic reasons, I would prefer it if you kept your mouth shut whilst eating.... and – if under the age of twelve – at most other times as well.

So please, please “please”.


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