Today I was reminded of just how much I forget.
Saved into the temporary annals of my phone are notes that I've written to myself, important at one point, and now blinking on the screen.
One note begins without introduction:
“Paule vezelay construction: grey lines on pink background.”
After some mental sifting I remembered this was about an artwork I liked. I should really assume that my later self has been hit by a piano when I write these notes.
After some mental sifting I remembered this was about an artwork I liked. I should really assume that my later self has been hit by a piano when I write these notes.
Another says only “We”. For the sake of my sanity I am going to argue that this is me jotting down the Madonna directed film about Wallis Simpson, but I doubt it. Perhaps I was distracted. This is my second ‘I’m not crazy’ plea: I may have just seen a squirrel and forgotten what I was doing.
Then there are directions on how to get to my friend’s apartment:
“88…big room across from living room.”
A street name may have been more useful.
One title stands out as a seemingly depressed vision of the future; however “My Life Without Me” is actually a film that apparently my past self is recommending to my future self. Doesn’t my past self know I don’t actually check these messages?
One reminder I cannot even recall writing:“aspiring fires and born in a flash; baby don’t dance.”
I can’t even begin to explain myself here, however I will be Google-searching these intriguing words. I'm hoping that they are the lyrics to a Dirty Dancing rap song tribute.
Perhaps worst of all is the rather abstract note I made for myself today “Conv. Recommend losing.” Is it a bad sign that I have no recollection about what any of these reminders are about?
I’m wondering if this is better or worse than leaving messages to yourself on voicemail.
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