dear internet users,

by kimberley veart

I understand that you appreciate wondrous abilities of the internet and have perhaps rejected the archaic practice of writing letters in favour of the efficiency of the email. However let me entreat you not to dismiss ‘snail mail’ so easily.

My main reason for this is self-preservation, as I am rather awkward email user. My issue with email is that I never want to respond immediately to a message for fear of getting caught in an awkward ‘instant reply’ situation which eventually someone has to end. I’d also rather people imagine that I have a life instead of being on the computer awaiting their message.
However if I don’t respond immediately I often forget to reply at all which lands me in another uncomfortable situation, and can lead to upsetting my nearest and dearest.   Internet users, please figure out a code of conduct so that I can stop perpetually offending with my ignorance of online manners. 

With letters, it is too easy; the rhythm is far more natural. It takes at least a few days for the letter to reach you, so you can reply right away with the news of these days passed in transit. When I finally remember to post the letter, a nice gap of days has formed so that by the time my friend receives the letter she has something to write about too. It’s a flawless system.
So please, I ask you on behalf of myself and the other email-awkward people out there - give the letter a chance.  
          Yours sincerely, Disgruntled

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