I have a shopping list in front of me. I've stolen it from the fridge door for close analysis. With the aid of my graphology search-results, I will excavate the murky depths of my mother's soul.
To begin: “Eggs.”
This is the perfect graphology launching-pad. Three different letters; three separate zones. The elongated E, with a stem like a swan's neck, belongs to a high minded, spiritual person. This persons wants to connect to something, something that makes them feel whole. The branches of this E are lengthened, they shade the g's like a low roof. This is comforting; I feel like one of those g's.
In the lower zone we perceive full-bodied loops, indicative of a time-waster, a dawdler – or perhaps, a contemplative sort. This is the zone of the unknown, storing the self that is yet to develop. The flourish - connecting the tail of one g and the head of the other – is the written equivalent of a trill: decorative. I spy an artist languishing in my mother's psyche.
If we continue to examine the baseline - here largely dictated by the paper but never mind that –we are invited to conclude that the author has a firm grasp on reality, a keen sense of awareness and, furthermore – if we consider the angle, or the “slant”- we can see that she responds appropriately in emotionally taxing situations.
This is breath-taking. I have a magnanimous, noble mother, currently rummaging through her handbag for the missing list. Perhaps, as a pat-on-the-back, I should get the eggs this time.
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